MT-Blacklist – you are my saviour. I love you!
My current blacklist is available for perusal (affects all blogs hosted here).
Category Archives: Tech
Have been temporarily disabled due to a flurry of comment spam (190 overnight! CUNTS!).
Will be back when I’ve sorted it out.
A bit behind the times I know, but I now have a gmail address. No self respecting geek should be without, although it is a bit slow and crap.
Mail me at it:
copycat, copycat
My boyfriend has just started his own blog… woo.
It does use MT (like this one) so I guess that’s something. He’s normally far, far too proud to use anyone else’s code and would rather reinvent the wheel.
A power cut brought the uptime of my server (which this is hosted on) down from 169 days to… 7 minutes (at the time of writing). Bugger!
In case you’re wondering, it’s a bit of an ego trip in the techhie world to see who can keep their server up the longest…