BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Pope John Paul II dies in Vatican
So, he’s dead at last, and I’m in a bit of a quandry. On the one hand, I’d say that he was pretty much instrumental in the downfall of communism in Poland. His “faith” and that which he imbued in his flock was vital in keeping the Polish national spirit alive during occupation by the Nazis and then by Stalin’s red army and all the oppression that followed in their wake.
On the other hand, his exceptionally conservative beliefs have lead to a pandemic of HIV/AIDS in developing countries (which coincidentally seem to be those that have the highest number of zealous Catholics) which has killed millions. He’s also guilty of antipathy, if not complicity, in the cover up of child abusing priests.
Althogether I find the massive outpouring of grief for him a little distasteful. He was an old and frail man who, to be honest, should have been allowed to die in privacy and dignity rather than being wheeled out to carry out his holy duties. Compare and contrast this to the case of Terri Schiavo.
I can only hope the next one is better, but somehow I doubt it.
Day 2
I think it’s now been about 48 hours since my piercing. The first night was pretty rough – uncomfortable, and especially painful with the sensation of tearing when your morning stiffie occurs.
Yesterday day was also unpleasant, lots of bleeding (well, enough anyway), last night was much better thanks to the letters P and C – paracetamol and codeine. Today is getting better – it certainly still aches, partly that’s the bruising I suppose, but there’s not as much bleeding.
It does look quite nice though ;)
Piercing take 2
So, off I went to Into You and had my cock’s frenulum (or frenum for you American readers) pierced.
It was pretty painful. Apparently I yelled “gaaaaaaaaaah! FUCK!” at the top of my voice – louder than Steve has ever heard me before. A guy waiting upstairs for his piercing apparently heard it as well, and called me a wuss…
Once the piercing itself was over that was pretty much it. Walking has been a bit difficult and it aches a bit but nothing dramatic. I took the bandage off to go for a piss when I got home and there was a bit of blood.
The day after is supposed to be the worst for pain, so I’ll let you know how that goes. Erk.
Pictures from our trip to Berlin last week up in my gallery.
A prize to the first person who can tell me what’s wrong with one of the pictures…
A quick update to see in March… Back from Berlin and should have a house all sorted! Moving in a week or so, so will post again when we’re in :)
IT Safe
Today sees the launch of a decent Government run website aimed at providing virus, secuirty & exploit information in one place. It offers free email & text message alerts as well.
Go see:
Well, here I am sat at home with a fucking awful cold. It’s probably far worse than that old codger’s current bout of “flu” as well.
I was also supposed to have my piercing done today, but I scratched that. I figured that being horribly immuno-supressed wasn’t the nest condition to be in, combined with not wanting to pass it on to all and sundry.
Wish me well won’t you…
Piercing follow up
Well, I had the piercing, and it hurt like nothing I’d had before. To cut to the chase, it went wrong and the barbell fell out of the piercing hole and it’s impossible to get back in. So, I mopped up the blood and am now recouperating – can’t actually see the entry site anymore even.
Hopefully it’ll all be sorted out in a couple of weeks time and I’ll try again. At least I know just how much pain to expect…
Oh, by the way…
As the holidays seem such a distant memory away, I’ve changed the style to, well, brown.
No posts for ages, then what happens? Two come along at once. Well, such is life I suppose.
Some of the more avid or eager eyed readers may be aware that my boyfriend has a piercing. He had it done almost to the year ago now. I’ve decided that the time has come for me to follow suit, and as such I’ll try and keep a diary of all the ins and outs up here. As for the piercing location itself – you’ll have to wait until tomorrow :)